We are committed to moving women into positions of power. Our motive is to support business leaders who are vying for raises, striving for executive positions, and raising capital for businesses. We believe the powers of mentoring and community will give rise to the next generation of female leaders. When women succeed, we all succeed. You may reach us on Whatsapp on +971 50 198 8042 to learn more about what we are looking to do, in order to strive.

Small Business - (Big) Social Responsibility

Many of us have heard the term “Corporate Social Responsibility” or CSR but not many of us know that small businesses have been involved in social responsibility long before the term “corporate social responsibility” was coined. Small & Medium Sized Enterprises or SMEs didn’t necessarily broadcast their good deeds or the role they played in uplifting their society; they did them for altruistic reasons, not realizing there were business advantages, too.

As a small business owner, we don’t need to aim at donating millions from our business earnings or practicing bulk donations of any type even if they are not monetary.

We can start by taking baby steps and climbing our way up, while making enough room for change and improvement for the members of our society. Some of the simple ideas that can be implemented - recycling waste, no use of plastic in packaging of our products or switching to energy saving light bulbs.

Why Should Small Businesses Not Neglect Social Responsibility?

The world has become closer and more aware of what’s happening to our environment - be it global warming or non-disposable waste that is heaping up on our earth. We are aware of how our community is becoming more conscious of the purchases they make.

The Key Benefits of Social Responsibility

  • Better Brand Recognition
  • Positive Business Reputation
  • Increased Customer Loyalty
  • Organisational Growth
This is our chance to selflessly make the world a better place for us and our coming generations