Moneytree is a consumer-tech initiative to support the SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) in the United Arab Emirates, to reach 10x customers for their products or services. Moneytree works like a digital directory or digital marketplace for local, small and medium sized entrepreneurs (SMEs). We shall do the digital marketing for those who on board us small business owners to discover their clientele through our platforms - Moneytree Website, Mobile App and Social Media Accounts. Sign up to our SMM package and list your products/services for free through our Moneytree website, mobile app and social media handles!

We work on a simple logic of symbiosis relationship called ‘Mutualism’ where every contact matters and a win-win business relationship that would be beneficial to both. If you think you have a skill that can provide a solution for others but don’t know how to reach the right audience for your business, then we are a message away from providing you expert help to enhance your sales and business growth. Because we strongly believed that 'mutualism' or win-win model works on places 'where every contact matters'


Who We Are For

Moneytree was born from a simple idea-to create scope and open up the market space for small and medium sized businesses. Our founder has been serving a varied range of clientele for more than two and a half decades, helping them to flourish through individual platforms. This led to the idea of a common platform that can bring forward the not so mainstream and popular products under one umbrella. This is how Moneytree was born.

While big enterprises have established online presence and huge marketing funds, small and medium sized businesses might struggle to create a face and space of their own. Moneytree comes to their rescue here, with a cost-effective platform where they can put their products and services directly across to the customers, whether or not they have an online presence. Unlike other online platforms, Moneytree allows the customers and the enterprises to form a bond, and lets them communicate directly. To the advantage of the businesses, this directness provides them with an original pool of their own reliable customers.